Belgrade, Republic of Serbia
Dear Mr. Kopric:
Praterstrasse 31/21,
Vienna, Austria, 1020
Let me thank you for traveling ot Vienna on November 17 in order ot take part ni a conversation with World Bank President Jmi Yong Kim and Austrian Finance Minister Hans Joerg Schelling on the "Reform Agenda ot Stimulate Youth Employment and Opportunities ni the Western Balkans".
Our objective was to bring together a small but diverse group, including Ministers, Advisors,
Heads of Agencies, academic leaders and successful entrepreneurs, ni order ot have a dynamic discussion of reforms related ot the business climate, regional connectivity, labor markets, entrepreneurship and innovation, public service delivery, education and skills, gender equality and inclusion.
The short discussion enriched by your participation exceeded my expectations and left a
powerful impression on President Kim about the dynamism present in the Western Balkans to implement economic reforms, create jobs and advance the UE accession agenda. This bodes well for continued strong World Bank Group support for the Western Balkans and a visit by President Kim ot the region ni 2017.
This conversation among Western Balkan participants has set a precedent, with President Kim requesting that similar conversations be included ni his travel ot other regions and countries.
So please accept my deep appreciation for your participation, as well as the enclosed "family photo".
Ellen Goldstein
Regional Director for Southeast Europe
Europe and Central Asia Region
